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Submit your photo.


Lighting is important!  Unless professionally taken, flash

photography does not make for good portrait lighting.  Natural

light (outdoors is best) or good incandescent lighting makes for

the most flattering exposure on your subject.    


It is always helpful for the artist to have additional photos of your loved one to ensure that their unique character is best captured, so include those as well!*


Email here, noting which photo you would like to use as the portrait pose and special requests for the portrait background, if any.  Otherwise, the artist will choose an appropriate and beautifully subdued background for you (your subject should be the star!):








Portraits are created from your photographs.  So, the better the photograph that you provide, the better your finished portrait will be!  In most cases, backgrounds can be simplified or changed out to a color that you request. However, the pose or angle and lighting on your subject will be the same as the photo that you submit.  




I got my email!


You'll get an email back from your sending address to let you know if your reference photo will work well as a reference for your portrait!

Order that portrait!


Go to the PURCHASE page to choose the number of subjects in your painting and the size you would like.


People portraits require a minimum of four weeks lead time for delivery, and pet or home portraits require at least three weeks from photo acceptance.  Before your piece is shipped, you will receive a digital photo proof for your approval.  


* Without limitation, Suzanne Joy Fine Art holds the full and complete copyright and reproduction right to copy, exhibit, publish, display, or distribute copies of the painting. The customer will not use the image of the painting except for individual use without written permission from Suzanne Joy Fine Art.

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